SMS Spam Filter Pro v1.0.7

SMS Spam Filter Pro v1.0.7

SMS Spam Filter Pro 1.0.7 Apk

Notice: the following application doesn't correctly work on latest Android OS v.4.4.
We are working on it.

- a very large set of filters.
- 5 modes for analyzing the triggered filters.
- the possibility to check a filters writing test on SMS (without a sending).
- export the filters to a file.
- suspicious SMS popup.
- led light flashing when the SMS was blocked or showing the suspicious SMS popup.

What's New
- fixed a bug when the SMS is not deleted from the logs after moving to the inbox.
- very constant monitoring of the priority receiving the SMS, it can be the disabled in preferences.
- improved the urls searching.

SMS Spam Filter Pro v1.0.7SMS Spam Filter Pro v1.0.7

SMS Spam Filter Pro v1.0.7SMS Spam Filter Pro v1.0.7

SMS Spam Filter Pro v1.0.7SMS Spam Filter Pro v1.0.7

Require 2.2 and Up & File Size 258kb


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