Minuum Keyboard v2.0

Minuum Keyboard v2.0

Minuum Keyboard 2.0 Apk

MINUUM - The very smarter, very smaller keyboard that the lets you do the more with your android device screen space.
Minuum are takes up less the display of regular key boards whilst nonetheless enabling you to sort delightfully fast & interestingly sloppy—all because of progressive completely brand new auto-correction. Spend the 15 seconds with the most introductory tutorial & you can start off the typing having the Minuum—instantly. The more you type, the very better Minuum gets.
What's New
- Reduced the lag when the keyboard is closing
- Visual improvements
- Download the languages in a setup activity
- Added the PT-BR language
- Bug & crash fixes

Minuum Keyboard v2.0

Minuum Keyboard v2.0

Minuum Keyboard v2.0

Minuum Keyboard v2.0

Minuum Keyboard v2.0

Require 4.0 and Up & File Size 23mb


How to download Apk from Tusfiles.net============SEE THIS IMAGE

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